Special Collections
17th Century, Chatham, Richard Jennman, Farthing, 1.66g/6h (N 2443; BW. 96); Walter Jones, Halfpenny, 1667, 2.53g/12h (N 2453; BW. 97); W.S.I. at the globe, Farthings (2), 1662, 1.23g/12h (N 2451; BW. 98), 1667, 0.52g/9h (N 2452 rev., different obv.; BW. 99); Samuell Mabbor, Farthing, 1657, 0.94g/6h (N 2444; BW. 101); John Marvell, Farthing, 1666, 0.82g/12h (N 2445 obv., different rev.; BW. 102); Richard Mathews, Farthing, 0.67g/6h (N 2446; BW. 103) [7]. BW. 99 very fine, BW. 96 about very fine, both rare, BW. 98 and 103 mediocre, others fair to fine (£140-180)
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Collection of 17th Century Tokens of Kent formed by the late Robert Hogarth.
*BW. 96 bt Baldwin January 1999
BW. 97 D.C. Pennock Collection, bt August 1992
BW. 98 and 103 bt Baldwin April 1994
BW. 99 and 101 V.J. Newbury Collection [99 bt S.R. Porter March 1998, 101 bt Baldwin March 2002]
BW. 102 Col. R.J. Carthew Collection, SCMB March 1946 (CT 18, part), bt Baldwin March 2002.
Walter Jones, innkeeper, The Nag’s Head; Samuel Mabbor, grocer; Richard Mathews, tailor
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