Lot Archive
Short Cross coinage, Pennies (2), both class Vb, Chichester, Willelm, willelm· on· cic, 1.21g/7h; Winchester, Andreu, andrev· on· wi, 1.32g/5h (SCBI Mass 1481, 1609; N 970; S 1351) [2]. Fine and good fine £100-£150
Short Cross coinage, Pennies (2), both class Vb, Chichester, Willelm, willelm· on· cic, 1.21g/7h; Winchester, Andreu, andrev· on· wi, 1.32g/5h (SCBI Mass 1481, 1609; N 970; S 1351) [2]. Fine and good fine £100-£150
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