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№ 768


20 April 2022

Hammer Price:

24th (or 2nd Warwickshire) Regiment Officer’s HM Silver Gorget 1794.

A magnificent and most rare example, correctly constructed on a wire frame all details are engraved and feature the Royal Arms, pre 1801, trophies of arms and knightly helmets on the shoulders, ‘24th’ in the wearer’s right hand chaplet of laurels and ‘Regt’ in the left hand chaplet. The gorget carries the contemporary full hall mark cycle for London in use 29 May 1793 to 28 May 1794, and was made by Francis Thurkle, New Street Square, Fetter Lane, Holborn, extremely good condition £3,000-£4,000

Note: The gorget is dealt with in the most finite detail in Tony Skelsey’s articles in the M.H.S. Bulletin, No. 253, August 2013 and No. 260, May 2015. Via the precise markings it is ascertained that the gorget was made between 1 January and 28 May 1794. The regiment was stationed in America and was much involved in the signing of Jay’s Treaty, 19 November 1794, resulting in the handing over of Detroit to the Americans. The town was evacuated in 1796, and the regiment was then stationed in Montreal until September 1800.