Lot Archive
Great Exhibition, Hyde Park, 1851, a plated copper medal by D. Uhlhorn, edge lettered, 37mm (Allen C340; BHM 2471; E 1464); International Exhibition, South Kensington, 1862, a plated copper medal by C. Schnitzpahn and J. Wiener, 41mm (Allen B240; BHM 2746); Co Kildare Agricultural Society (Inst. 1862), a copper award medal by J.C. Parkes, un-named, 35mm (cf. DNW M5, 1177); Wesleyan Connexional School, Dublin, a silver award medal by J.C. Parkes, named (2nd Latin Class, David Moore, Midsummer 1867), 39mm (Grimshaw 149; Frazer p.25; cf. DNW M7, 2344); Opening of the Free Library, Museum and Schools for Science and Art, Cardiff, 1882, a white metal medal by J.T. Barry, Cardiff, 51mm (BHM –; Taylor –; Grant –); Opening of the Queen Alexandra Dock, Cardiff, 1907, a bronze medal by Spiridion & Sons, 52mm (W & E 4921.2; BHM 3945; E 1900); together with other base metal medals, tokens, etc (8) [14]. 1882 Cardiff medal brilliant mint state and very rare, others described generally very fine and better, Dublin medal toned £150-200
Provenance: N.B. Todd Collection
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