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A Great War D.C.M. awarded to Acting Bombardier R. G. Pavey, Royal Field Artillery, who died of wounds on 6 July 1917
Distinguished Conduct Medal, G.V.R. (78393 A. Bmbr., R.F.A.) nearly extremely fine £600-700
D.C.M. London Gazette 1 January 1917; citation 13 February 1917. ‘78393 A. Bombr. R. G. Pavey, R.F.A., attd. T.M. By.’
‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He kept one gun in action throughout the whole period of the bombardment. Later, he brought up water for the detachment under heavy shell fire.’
Richard George Pavey was born in Cranbrook, Essex and enlisted at Canterbury, Kent. As a Gunner in the R.F.A. he entered the Egyptian theatre of war on 2 April 1915. Awarded the 1914-15 Star trio of medals. Awarded the D.C.M. for gallantry and devotion to duty during the bombardment in the Beaumont Hamel sector between 24 June-1 July 1916. As a Sergeant in “Y” 29th Trench Mortar Battery, R.F.A., he died of wounds on 6 July 1917, aged 26 years. He was buried in the Mendinghem Military Cemetery and his name is also on a memorial in the Iden Green Congregational Church. He was the eldest son of R. G. and and Elizabeth J. Pavey, of The Mounts, Beneden, Cranbrook. With copied research.
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