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№ 3932


5 December 2013

Hammer Price:

Dannenberg, H., Die Deutschen Münzen [1876], 3 vols, the 1967 Scientia reprint, xix + 1,019pp, 121 engraved plates, together with Nachtrage [1905], the 1967 Scientia reprint, 109pp, 15 plates; Hill, G.F., A Corpus of Italian Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini [1930], 2 vols, the 1984 Florence reprint, xvii + 382pp, 201 plates, djs; Pope-Hennessy, J., Renaissance Bronzes from the Samuel H. Kress Collection, London, 1965, viii + 333pp, including over 160 plates, dj; Weber, Ingrid, Deutsche, Niederländische und Französische Renaissanceplaketten 1500-1650, 2 vols, Munich, 1975, 443pp, 302 plates, djs; Toderi, G. and F.V., Placchette secoli XV-XVIII nel Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, 1996, lvi + 244pp, illustrations in text, dj [10]. Publishers’ bindings; all except Pope-Hennessy very fine