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Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, Marine Medal, 2nd type oval medal with ‘Liver Bird’ suspension, silver, reverse inscribed, ‘Charles Brown, Sept. 25 1874’, edge additionally inscribed, ‘For Gallantly Jumping in to the Mersey & Rescuing the Master of Yacht Virago. Sept. 23 1874’, with silver brooch bar, minor edge bruising, good very fine
‘To Charles Brown, mate of yacht “Virago,” for jumping overboard in the river, on the night of 23rd of September, 1874, and, at considerable risk, saving the life of the captain, who had fallen overboard, a SILVER MEDAL.’ (Ref. Liverpool Shipwreck & Humane Society – 36th Annual Report, year ending 1st July 1875, p.7)
‘A Silver Marine Medal “Oval” to Charles Brown, Mate of the Yacht Virago for jumping into the River Mersey and rescuing the Master of the Virago. On the night of 23rd September 1874 the Yacht Virago hit a squall in the River Mersey the Captain who was on the prow at the time was knocked off balance, hitting his head as he fell overboard. The Mate Charles Brown witnessed this and immediately ordered the Helmsman to “come about”, running aft, Charles Brown jumped off the poop and swam in the darkness to the Captain who was disappearing in the wake of the Virago, he caught up with the Captain who was in a dazed and semi conscious state, and held his head above the waves till the skill of the helmsman and the rest of the Virago crew brought the yacht about and into a position where both Brown and the Captain were hauled back onboard to safety. But for Brown’s prompt action the Captain would have been swept away and lost.’ (Unknown source).
With copied research.
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