Lot Archive


№ 756


20 March 2008

Hammer Price:

Croix de Guerre Bestowal Document, to Ordinary Seaman John George Vigor, Royal Navy, dated 9 August 1918, good condition £80-100

D.S.M. London Gazette 22 February 1918.

Croix de Guerre London Gazette 14 September 1918.

D.S.M. was one of several awards given ‘in respect of Officers and men of the Royal Navy, etc. who have rendered good services in connection with Military operations in East Africa ...’. The D.S.M. was awarded to Ordinary Seaman Vigor, H.M.S. Himalaya, in respect of service ashore with Lewis Guns.

The citation for the Croix de Guerre which appears on the document, reads, ‘Pour la bravoure, l’entrain et la haute notion du devoir, dont il a fait preuve dans les bombardements et les opérations de débarquement sur la côte de l’Est Africain Allemand’.