Lot Archive


№ 1190


5 April 2006

Hammer Price:

A Second World War M.C. & Bar group of five to Captain H. R. R. Steele, Reconnaissance Corps and 5th Mahratta Light Infantry

Military Cross, G.VI.R. reverse officially dated 1944, with Second Award Bar, reverse additionally inscribed, ‘Capt. H. R. R. Steele. 5th Mahratta L.I.’; 1939-45 Star; Burma Star; Defence and War Medals, mounted Court style, in Spink, London leather case, minor contact marks, good very fine (5) £600-700

M.C. London Gazette 27 July 1944. Recommendation states: ‘W.S. Lieut., T/Capt., 4th Bn. 5th Mahratta L.I.’ ‘At Sangshak on 22 Mar. 44 this officer was in comd. of a coy. In the morning he was ordered to move out and lay on an ambush for the enemy who could be seen moving up in the direction of Finchs Corner. He carried out this task at short notice with considerable success and returned to Sangshak by 1700 hrs. At this juncture the enemy started to move up to the West end of the Sangshak ridge and by sniping and MMG fire were seriously harassing our tps moving into the Sangshak box from the Sheldons Corner area. Capt. Steele was ordered to attack and hold the enemy posn till our tps were all in. He led hiscoy into the attack with great speed and dash and his orders and bearing were a model of brevity and coolness. He held the posn against fierce enemy attacks till ordered to withdraw and carried out the withdrawal with his tered tps in a most cool and exemplary manner. The successful withdrawal of tps into the box was almost entirely due to his courage, resolution and the quickness with which he carried out his orders’.

Bar to M.C.
London Gazette 16 November 1944. Recommendation states: ‘W.S. Lt. (Ty/Capt.) Acting Major, M.C., 4/5th Mahratta Light Infantry’, ‘On 26th July 1944, 4 Mahrattas had been given the task of establishing a road block at about milestone 61 on the Imphal-Tamu Rd. The leading Coy made good the actual road itself while D Coy commanded by Major H. R. R. Steele was given the task of taking a hill immediately to the South of the road which commanded the area where the road block was to be established. .... The Coy only 50 strong advanced in open order up the hill which was covered in long grass which after some 100 yds merged into jungle. After advancing some 300 yds up the hill the Coy was suddenly fired on by the enemy from well dug-in posns from very short range and the leading secs were thrown into some confusion. Major Steele re-organised his Coy and attacked the enemy. The posn was held by 50-60 of the enemy and the approaches were covered by cross-L.M.G. fire. The attack failed to drive the enemy out. Another Coy, A Coy, had been sent round the right flank to assist .... Major steele again re-organised his Coy and held off the enemy while A Coy withdrew through him ... Having seen A Coy through and evacuated his wounded Major Steele successfully withdrew his Coy ... While digging-in in this posn his coy was subjected to continual sniping, mortaring and L.M.G. fire. ... Major steele moved from one pl to another encouraging his men. During this period he must have been a very conspicuous target owing to his completely diffrerent build and stature from the men. ... His courage and example had a very heartening effect not only on his own Coy but to others around him’.

Major Harmer Richmond Rae Steele was born in Madras on 25 March 1921 and was educated at King’s School, Canterbury. After the outbreak of war he was commissioned into the Reconnaissance Corps, later transferring to the 5th Mahratta Light Infantry. After the war, Steele read Agriculture and Estate Management at King’s College Cambridge and in 1949 joined the Bombay Burmah Corporation. Major Steele died on 13 January 1999. Sold with newspaper cuttings - death and obituary, together with copied research details.

Note: Another M.C. & Bar group with associated material to Major Steele is known.