Lot Archive


№ 409


6 July 2004

Hammer Price:

1914 Stars (3), comprising (3267 Pte. F. M. Foster, 10/L’pool. R.); (2937 Pte. F. W. Lancaster, 10/L’pool. R.); (2831 Pte. L. R. Law, 10/L’pool. R.); together with a Liverpool Education Committee regular attendance medal, in bronze, inscribed ‘Lawrence Law, Fairfield, 1908’, first medal with small punch mark to reverse centre, otherwise very fine or better (4) £100-150

Thomas Matthew Foster lived at Wavertree, Liverpool and enlisted at Liverpool. He was one of the original contingent of the Liverpool Scottish to travel to France aboard the S.S. Maidan in November 1914, and was killed in action in France and Flanders on 24 June 1916.

F. W. Lancaster was one of the original contingent of the Liverpool Scottish to travel to France aboard the S.S.
Maidan in November 1914. The following is extracted from a copy of a news cutting sold with the lot, which includes a picture of recipient: ‘Private Lancaster went to France in November 1914, but with the exception of a month in hospital at Rouen with frost-bitten feet sustained in the severe hardships of the first winter of the war, had the best of luck until June last year, when he was wounded in five places through a shell burst, which killed both of his horses and blew him a distance of nearly thirty yards. Despite his injuries he managed to obtain two fresh horses (he was on transport work at the time) and although weak from shock and loss of blood brought his wagon back to the lines, a distance of some miles...’

Lawrence R. Law was one of the original contingent of the Liverpool Scottish to travel to France aboard the S.S.
Maidan in November 1914. He subsequently transferred to the 17th ‘Pals’ Battalion.