Auction Report
Gross Total: £264,180 (£327,583 including buyers' premium)
Number of lots: 286
Sell-through rate: 98.6%
Exchange rate of the GB pound: US $1.07 and €1.11
Principal Lots
Lot no.
601. John de Courcy, Cross Potent and Crescent coinage, Farthing, Downpatrick, £7,500 (£9,300)
511. Hiberno-Scandinavian Penny, Phase I, £6,500 (£8,060)
777. Charles I, Blacksmith’s issue, Halfcrown, ex Panter and Lingford, £6,500 (£8,060)
677. Richard III, Suns and Roses coinage, Groat, Drogheda, £6,000 (£7,440)
687. Lambert Simnel, Groat, Waterford, £6,000 (£7,440)
569. Hiberno-Scandinavian Penny, Phase V, £4,200 (£5,208)
Saleroom Notices
The following were amendments to the printed catalogue descriptions:
Withdrawn Lots
The following lots were withdrawn before the auction:
528, 567, 576 and 643
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