Auction Report
Gross Total: £194,300 (£233,160 including buyers' premium)
Number of lots: 714
Exchange rate of the GB pound: US $1.41 and €1.14
Principal Lots
Lot no.
198-283. The Collection of Irish Ten-Shilling Notes, 1928-68, formed by the late Anthony Lenny (Part II), £40,380 (£48,456)
338-402. A Good Group of Specimen Banknotes (Part VIII), £32,135 (£38,562)
403-452. Banknotes of Iran, the property of a Gentleman, £10,410 (£12,492)
385. Malaya & British Borneo, Board of Commissioners of Currency, Five Dollars, 21 March 1953, £8,000 (£9,600)
453-476. Banknotes of South Africa, the property of a Gentleman (Part III), £7,250 (£8,700)
327. Ireland, Currency Commission, Ulster Bank Ltd, £10, 6 May 1929, £5,000 (£6,000)
329. Ireland, The National Bank Ltd, £10, 10 November 1924, £4,800 (£5,040)
384. Malaya & British Borneo, Board of Commissioners of Currency, One Dollar, 1 March 1959, £4,200 (£9,600)
Saleroom Notices
The following were amendments to the printed catalogue descriptions:
256. Other specimens are known
520. The second item is Pick 71a
522. The second item is Pick 117n
Withdrawn Lots
The following lots were withdrawn before the auction:
189 and 522
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