Lot Archive


№ 520


7 April 1994

Hammer Price:

Three: Major R. Clark, Norfolk Regiment
1914 MONS STAR (Capt. Norf. R.); BRITISH WAR AND VICTORY MEDALS (Major) polished, otherwise good fine and better
Major R. Clark served in France and Belgium from 14 August to 29 December, 1914 and from 12 September to 11 November, 1918; Greek Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, European Turkey and the islands of the Aegean Sea from 31 January to 25 November, 1916. Wounded.

Three: Lieutenant F. R. S. de la Cour, Connaught Rangers
1914-15 STAR TRIO (Lieut., Conn. Rang.) very fine Francis Roberts de la Cour served in the Dardanelles from 4 September, 1915 and was wounded.

Three: Captain C. E. E. Sullivan, Uganda Intelligence Department
1914-15 STAR (Lieut., Uganda I.D.); BRITISH WAR AND VICTORY MEDALS (T. Capt.) good very fine
Sullivan was Assistant District Commissioner in Uganda and at the outbreak of war was granted a commission in the Uganda Intelligence Department. In 1914 he was placed in command of a force of Uganda Police at Kumba, in the Kigezi district of East Africa. (9)