Lot Archive


№ 273


20 October 1993

Estimate: £200–£250

I.D.S.M., G.VI.R. (14808 Sep. Tara Singh, 3-14 Punjab R.) nearly very fine

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, A Fine Collection of Indian Distinguished Service Medals.

View A Fine Collection of Indian Distinguished Service Medals


I.D.S.M. (Immediate), London Gazette, 24 September, 1942. 'Operations on the RUWEISAT RIDGE on 23rd July 1942. Sepoy Tara Singh was the No. 1 of an L.M.G. section, when the attack started he took up a position to a flank. His position came under severe M.M. Gun fire and he was hit very badly in the right hand; so he changed over with his No. 2 and continued to feed the gun with his left hand. Eventually his No. 2 was also wounded, but through his spirit and tenacity, they kept the gun in action till the order to retire was received.'