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A 1940 D.F.C. group of five to Flight Lieutenant J.L. Moore, Wellington Pilot, 115 Squadron, Royal Air Force
DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS, G.VI.R., the reverse officially dated 1940, in its Royal Mint case of issue; 1939-45 STAR; AIR CREW EUROPE STAR; AFRICA STAR; WAR MEDAL, the last four contained in card box of issue named to the recipient's mother, extremely fine
D.F.C., London Gazette, 22 November, 1940, Pilot Officer Joseph Laurence Moore, 115 Squadron. The following recommendation was extracted from official sources: 'One night in September this officer was detailed to attack marshalling yards at Hamm with alternative targets, aerodrome at Schipol and targets at Essen. Hamm being obscured, he proceeded to Essen where the weather was clear, and in spite of the intense heavy and light flak and searchlights, he made three separate attacks, one on a blast furnace, another on a railway siding and coking plan, and a third on an iron works, from heights varying between 6000 and 1500 feet. He then dived at high speed across Essen, both gunners firing at flak and searchlight positions. While returning to base he observed night flying in progress at Schipol aerodrome, and dropped his two remaining bombs on the flare path from 6000 feet. Since the beginning of the war, his personal record of operations has been 30 bombing raids or major operations. This officer always carries out his raids with unusual daring, pushing home his attacks at a low height in spite of opposition.'
Flight Lieutenant J.L. Moore served with 115 Squadron (Wellingtons) and his operations included; Hamburg (battleships Bremen, Europa and Bismarck); Kiel (battleship Gneisenau); Hamm, Dortmund, Mannheim, Hirson, Berlin and La Fere; on the last occasion Moore baled out three of his crew due to engine trouble and landed at Walton with only his second pilot. He was posted to 97 (Straits Settlements) Squadron, Pathfinder Force, in May 1943, and was reported missing, presumed killed,following the raid on Elberfeld, 25 June 1943.
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