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№ 34


18 July 2018

Hammer Price:

A good Great War 1918 ‘Fighter Ace’s’ M.C. group of three awarded to Captain H. G. Hegarty, Royal Air Force, who served as Flight Commander of No. 60 Squadron, and ‘achieved 8 Victories between 28 January and 1 July 1918’
Military Cross, G.V.R., unnamed as issued; British War and Victory Medals, with M.I.D. oak leaves (Capt. H. C. Hegarty. R.A.F.) generally very fine (3) £3000-4000

Provenance: Glendining’s, March 1988.

London Gazette 16 September 1918:
‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on offensive patrols. During recent operations he destroyed four enemy machines and drove down two. He is a bold and fearless pilot, and has done splendid work.’

The official Recommendation, dated 16 May 1918, states: ‘On the 14th instant this officer whilst leading his patrol in extremely adverse weather, attacked alone an enemy aircraft two-seater and fought him down from 3,000 feet to 100 feet about 4 miles over the lines. He eventually drove down the enemy aircraft which crashed. Also this morning he, together with another officer, attacked and destroyed an enemy aircraft two-seater which crashed just in enemy lines near Arras.
This officer has also the following victories to his credit:
‘29 January 1918: Attacked 6 enemy aircraft Scouts at a height of 13,000 feet and succeeded in driving down one completely out of control.
4 February 1918: Together with another officer attacked an enemy aircraft Scout at 10,000 feet. This enemy aircraft crashed in our lines.
18 February 1918: Attacked an Albatros Scout over Menin at 13,000 feet which he drove down completely out of control.
30 March 1919: Attacked an Albatros Scout south of Albert at 12,000 feet and fought him down to 500 feet and the enemy aircraft crashed.
Lieutenant Hegarty has fought many other combats and has driven down several which he has not claimed owing to lack of confirmation. He is a bold and fearless pilot and is extremely modest. He has frequently led patrols in an extremely capable manner. Throughout the time he has served in the Squadron (five and a half months) he has never missed his turn on patrol and has always shown a splendid spirit and example to all.’

Herbert George Hegarty was born in Co. Galway, Ireland, in 1887 and was educated at Portora Royal School, Enniskillen. Prior to the Great War he was employed as a banker with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, and served as Lieutenant in the Hong Kong Volunteer Corps from October 1911. He returned to the U.K. and joined the Royal Flying Corps in June 1917, and after completing his training was posted as a Pilot to No. 60 (Fighter) Squadron in November 1917, based at at St. Marie Cappel, France and flying the S.E. 5a. Carrying out offensive patrols with the Squadron he amassed 2 destroyed, 2 shared destroyed, and 2 forced down out of control between the period 28 January to 16 May 1918.

Promoted temporary Captain and Flight Commander of ‘A’ Flight in June 1918, on 30 June he destroyed an Albatros Scout, as he himself recounted:
‘Whilst leading my patrol, flying south over Rainecourt, I observed 6 Albatros Scouts (blue tails) flying north at 14,000 feet. I turned in behind the E.A. and dived on leader firing three or four short bursts- the leader then spun away. E.A. were trying to fight us, and so I pulled out to see if any further E.A. were above us. Seeing no further E.A. I dived repeatedly, trying to get on E.A. who were good pilots. At 5,000 feet I got on to an E.A. who was flying straight trying to get on to Lieutenant Bartlett and I fired a short burst at close range. The E.A. stalled and at the top of his stall I fired another short burst into him at very close range and saw my tracers round engine and pilot. E.A. side-slipped and went into a slow spin. I turned to watch E.A. crash on a Hun Aerodrome, but there were two E.A. on my tail and I went home at 3,000 feet. At 5,000 feet four additional E.A. Scouts joined in the fight.’

The following day, 1 July 1918, Hegarty achieved his final victory of the War, destroying a Halberstadt two-seater:
‘While leading my patrol at 8:40 a.m. over Mericourt at 11,000 feet I observed an E.A. two-seater close to the ground. I dived but lost sight of him after firing a short burst from 150 yards’ range. I returned to our lines and climbed 4,500 feet and turned north when I observed 3 E.A. two-seaters very low down coming up to the lines. I tried to attack but E.A., in every case, turned east. I observed Lieutenant Griffith firing at one E.A. Turning south from Albert at 9:00 a.m. I attacked a Halberstadt two-seater over the woods near Bray, firing a long burst at him from 100 yards’ range. E.A. did a very steep bank and side-slipped- result unobserved, owing to a heavy fire from the ground as I was then at only 700 feet.
I saw an Albatros Scout at 8:45 a.m. diving vertically very low down, evidentially the same machine that Lieutenant Griffith fired at. Lieutenant Daly of No. 24 Squadron reports the Halberstadt referred to above as having crashed and confirmation was telephoned to Wing HQ.’

Having completed his tour with No. 60 Squadron Hegarty returned to the Home Establishment on 15 July 191, and saw out the remainder of the War as an Instructor at No. 4 Fighter School, Freiston, Lincolnshire. He was discharged in February 1919.

Sold with a large quantity of copied research.