Lot Archive


№ 251


27 July 1995

Hammer Price:

Four: Ordinary Seaman L. F. Harris, Royal Navy, H.M.S. “Ibis”
1939-45 Star; Africa Star; Defence and War Medals, with named condolence slip and in card box of issue, address mostly obliterated, otherwise extremely fine (4)

CJX/317134. O.S. Leonard Frederick Harris was killed on 10 November 1942, aged 20, and is commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial.
The sloop H.M.S.
Ibis, Commander H. M. Darrell-Brown, took part in the landing operations at Algiers on November 10th, 1942, when she fell victim to the bombs of French aircraft and sank. Commander Darrell-Brown, three officers, and 104 ratings were killed.