Lot Archive


№ 301


19 April 1995

Hammer Price:

Royal Humane Society, small bronze medal (Successful), (Lieut. F. W. Dean, 18th December 1893) with ribbon buckle, nearly extremely fine

As Sub-Lieutenant of “Redbreast” and Orderly Officer to Flag-Captain Hon. A.G.Curzon-Howe, served in the Naval Brigade landed for the punitive expedition against the Sultan of Witu in 1890 (despatches, medal with clasp). As Lieutenant of H.M.S. “Gleaner” was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society, for saving W.Ringland, ordinary seaman of the “Resolution.” - Ringland fell overboard from the “Resolution” in Cawsand Bay, on December 18th, 1893, when the latter vessel was about a quarter of a mile ahead of the “Gleaner,” and steaming six knots. There was a strong breeze and a heavy sea running at the time. The “Gleaner” attempted to get her lifeboat into the sea, but considerable delay occurred. Lieutenant jumped overboard, and held the drowning man up fully ten minutes until assistance arrived. Lieutenant of “Scout” during the Dongola Expedition, 1893 (Khedive’s medal). Lieutenant of “Monarch” and specially promoted to the rank of Commander for services in South Africa, 2nd May, 1900. Landed first for the defence of Stormberg, and afterwards served in the reinforced brigade attached to General Lord Methuen’s Division (South African medal). He was mentioned in despatches as behaving with great gallantry at Graspan, where he was in command of four naval guns in a very exposed position, and again mentioned in Lord Roberts’ despatch of 31st March, 1900. He was appointed in command of Devonport Gunnery School, with acting rank of Captain, in June, 1915.