Lot Archive


№ 262


27 September 1994

Hammer Price:

Three: Stoker 1st Class F. Howkins, Royal Navy

1939-45 STAR; ATLANTIC STAR; WAR MEDAL, all named 'C/KX. 140449.Sto.1.Cl. R.N., H.M.S. Goodall', with named condolence slip, nearly extremely fine (3)

Torpedoed by a German submarine in Kola Inlet on 29 April 1945, while escorting a convoy to N. Russia. Remained afloat for some time but had to be sunk by ships in company as it was not possible to tow her. Six officers and ninety two men were killed and two officers wounded. Stoker, 1st Class, Frederick Howkins, R.N., H.M.S. Goodall, died 29 April 1945; no known grave. Chatham Naval Memorial.