Lot Archive


№ 226


27 September 1994

Hammer Price:

Three: Captain S.G. Spencer, Royal Berkshire Regiment

1914-15 STAR (Lieut., R. Berks. R.); BRITISH WAR AND VICTORY MEDALS (Capt.) together with Bronze Memorial Plaque (Sydney Gurton Spencer) extremely fine (4)

Captain S.G. Spencer, 5th Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment was killed in action at Loos on 13 October 1915. He was educated at St. Paul's School and London University where he obtained a B.Sc, degree in pure science. Before the war broke out he was a member of the 'Inns of Court' O.T.C., and obtained a commission in August 1914. He was promoted Captain in June 1915 and was a machine-gun officer. His commanding officer writes of him: 'It is a great personal loss to me and all his fellow officers. I have lost a right truly good comrade. He was born a soldier but was too brave - too brave and daring to live long in a modern battle.'