Lot Archive


№ 208


27 September 1994

Hammer Price:

The Boer War medal to Private E. Robinson, Lancashire Fusiliers, who was killed in action at the disastrous battle of Spion Kop

QUEEN'S SOUTH AFRICA 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Relief of Ladysmith (2741 Pte., Lanc. Fus.) nearly extremely fine

Killed in action at Spion Kop, 24 January 1900.

The Celebrated Lancashire Brgade.

'To this brigade, composed of the Royal Lancaster Regiment, the Lancashire Fusiliers, the South Lancashire, and York and Lancaster Regiments, was entrusted the task of seizing Spion Kop. In the darkness of the night of the 23rd January 1900, the Lancashire men climbed up the steep winding track to the summit, where they completely surprised the sleepy Boers, who hastily fled and then the brigade waited for daylight. Directly the light revealed their position a tempest of shot and shell was rained upon them by the Boers. From the front as well as from the right and left of their position came the deadly hail, and in their trenches and shallow defences the Lancashire men dropped fast. But there was no giving way; parched with thirst they grimly held on throughout the whole day, until no less than 1,300 British soldiers lay killed or wounded on the narrow plateau. When night fell the order was given to retire, and the survivors marched down, worn with fatigue and thirst, but with the consciousness of duty nobly done. The Fusiliers had the heaviest list of casualties, and Sir Redvers Buller in his despatch stated that the Lancashire Fusiliers in exceptionally trying circumstances had magnificently upheld the best traditions of the British Army.'
(Ref 'Short Histories of the Territorial Regiments of the British Army', R. de M. Rudolf)