Lot Archive


№ 187


27 September 1994

Hammer Price:

SUTLEJ 1845-46, reverse Aliwal 1846 (Hy. Appleby, 16th Lancers) small edge nick, otherwise good very fine

Ex. Jack Wadey Collection.

Henry Appleby was killed in action at Aliwal on 28 January 1846. On January 28th, the British infantry deployed into line, the Battle of Aliwal began with a smart cannonade from the Sikh guns. The village of Aliwal was the key to the enemy's position. Against this our attack was concentrated, and it was stormed and captured, the 53rd (1st Shropshire Light Infantry) leading the way. Major Lawrenson unlimbered his battery of Horse artillery within a short distance of the Sikh guns, and forced the Khalsa artillerymen to abandon their pieces. Sir Harry Smith now fell on the Left and Centre of the Sikh line, whilst the cavalry delivered several effective charges. The 16th Lancers on this day made history for their corps: 'Gallantly led by their death-despising officers, our troopers broke through the Sikh squares.' As the impetus of their charge carried them past the successive formations, the Sikhs flung themselves on the ground, and directly the squadrons had passed sent a volley of bullets after them. Three times the 16th repeated this attack, losing a hundred of their number in the effort, or nearly one-fifth of the total casualties on the British side during the action. (Ref ‘Our Fighting Services’, Field Marshall Sir Evelyn Wood, V.C..)