Lot Archive


№ 293


17 September 2004

Hammer Price:

A Second World War naval trawlerman’s B.E.M. awarded to Stoker 1st Class T. Atherton, Royal Navy

British Empire Medal
, (Military) G.VI.R., 1st issue (Sto. 1 Cl. Thomas Atherton, LT/KX. 105630), severely polished, fair to fine £40-60

B.E.M. London Gazette 8 June 1944. The original recommendation states:

‘For consistently good work under arduous conditions during twelve months on the West African coast. During this period Stoker Atherton never failed to maintain a spirit of cheerfulness and this, with his general enthusiasm, was an inspiration to the ship’s company.’

Thomas Atherton was decorated for his services aboard H.M.S.
Duncton, a Hills-class naval trawler (Seedie’s refers). He received his award at an investiture held on 6 November 1945.