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Sold on 16 June 2010

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Medals Related To Canals and Shipping from the Stanley Holland Collection

Stanley Holland

Medals Related To Canals and Shipping from the Stanley Holland Collection

Stanley Holland

The Birmingham collector Stanley Holland's interest in canals and inland waterways stems back over 40 years, but it was not until 7 988 and the dispersal of the collection formed by Charles Hadfield (7 909-96), the doyen of canal historians, that Holland began to seriously collect canal-related numismatic material. Since that time he has put together a much larger group of material than did Hadfield, extending from medals to tokens, coins, paper money, scrip and share certificates, even the uniforms that canal employees wore. His Canal Coins, inland waterway tokens, medals, badges and buttons (Cleobury Mortimer, Salop, 1992) describes and illustrates many of the items in the following 53 lots. Further items from the Holland collection are being sold by DNW in 2010: coins (17 June), paper money and share certificates (30 September) and British tokens (6 October).

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