Auction Catalogue

30 March 2011

Starting at 10:00 AM


Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria

Washington Mayfair Hotel  London  W1J 5HE


№ 571 x


30 March 2011

Hammer Price:

Board of Trade Medal for Gallantry in Saving Life at Sea, V.R., large, bronze (Erasmus Lewis, Wreck of the “Eleanor Grace”, on the 21st Novr. 1863) good very fine £250-300

‘On 21 November 1863, the Eleanor Grace was wrecked in the Milford District and the Rocket Apparatus was taken to her by the Coastguard under the charge of Erasmus Lewis, a Commissioned Boatman. The people on the wreck did not know how to use it and Lewis, at great risk, swam off to the wreck to give directions to the men as to the use of the line and whip. He went out of his depth and was washed out by the waves to the great danger of his life. He was however washed in again and the crew were saved.’ (Ref. The Sea Gallantry Medal, by R. J. Scarlett).

Erasmus Lewis, Commissioned Boatman, H.M. Coastguard Castletank, was awarded the Board of Trade Gallantry Medal in Bronze together with a gratuity of £2.