Lot Archive


№ 294


22 October 1997

Hammer Price:

Four: Flight Sergeant P. B. Dodman, No. 99 Squadron, Royal Air Force, Nose Gunner on Liberators in the Far East
1939-45 Star; Burma Star, clasp, Pacific; Defence and War Medals, together with three photographs of the recipient and his Navigator’s, Air Bomber’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book for the period November 1943 to May 1945, good very fine (4)

Flight Sergeant Dodman joined No. 99 (Madras Presidency) Squadron in September 1944. Based at Dhubalia, India, the squadron was engaged in bombing sorties against a wide variety of targets in and around Burma, some sorties involving flights of 15 hours or more. Particular attention was paid to the notorious Burma-Siam railway, which was a vital Japanese supply line. Dodman completed 30 sorties as Nose Gunner, thirteen of these in excess of ten hours duration, including two over 15 hours. His operational sorties averaged just over 10 hours duration.