Lot Archive


№ 384


9 April 1997

Hammer Price:

19th Century: Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, J. Bishop & Co, Penny, 1812 (D. 15); Worcestershire, Redditch, W. Bartleet & W. Hemming, Penny, 1813; Worcester, House of Industry, Pennies (4), 1811 (2), 1814 (2), and Halfpenny, 1811, J. Knapp, Halfpence (2 – one VIGORNIA) and Farthing, all 1813 (D. 12, 19, 22, 24 obv./25 rev., 25, 28, 30, 32, 33). [10]. Worcester 12 and 25 fine, others mostly very fine (£50-70)