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№ 13


10 May 2017

Hammer Price:

A good Great War 1918 ‘Western Front’ D.S.O., M.C., and Second Award Bar group of four awarded to Major C. J. Graham, London Regiment, who served during the Great War as Intelligence Officer of 173rd Infantry Brigade, and in the Second War with 70th (H.A.A.) Cadet Regiment, Royal Artillery

Distinguished Service Order, G.V.R., silver-gilt and enamel, with integral top riband bar, in Garrard, London, case of issue; Military Cross, G.V.R., with Second Award Bar, unnamed as issued, in case of issue; British War and Victory Medals (Capt. C. J. Graham.); together with the recipient’s related miniature awards, the Victory Medal additionally with M.I.D. oak leaves, extremely fine (4) £3000-4000

D.S.O. London Gazette 11 January 1919:
‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. During two days’ hard fighting he was untiring in his efforts in reconnoitring the front of two brigades, and the information he was able to procure of the absence of the enemy in certain strong points was of the greatest value. He was continually exposed to heavy machine-gun and sniping fire, and his coolness and presence of mind were admirable.’

London Gazette 1 January 1918

M.C. Second Award Bar
London Gazette 26 July 1918:
‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while acting as Brigade Major. On more than one occasion he rallied disorganised troops and led them forward to the counter-attack. He went out under a heavy barrage on the carrier of a motor bicycle to ascertain the situation, and twice while guiding another unit into position for attack he went forward alone to identify men seen working in front, each time returning under sharp fire.’

London Gazette 30 December 1918.

Charles James Graham was born on 28 November 1885 and was educated at Clifton College. He enlisted in the Inns of Court Officer Training Corps in September 1915, and was commissioned Second Lieutenant in the 4th Battalion, London Regiment, in June 1916. He served with the Londons during the Great War on the Western Front from 1916, and as Intelligence Officer to Brigadier-General Bernard Freyberg, 173rd (3/1st London) Infantry Brigade. Advanced Captain, he was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, and twice awarded the Military Cross prior to his demobilization in June 1919. During the Second World War he served with 70th (H.A.A.) Cadet Regiment, Royal Artillery, at Liverpool, and was awarded the Certificate of Merit by the Commander-in-Chief, Western Command.

Major Graham married the American, Miss Winifred Fairweather, with whom he had two sons.

Sold together with the recipient’s Western Command Certificate of Merit, dated 13 June 1946, together with the County Army Cadet Committee’s enclosure; and a letter to the recipient from Lieutenant-General Sir (later Baron) Bernard Freyberg, V.C., K.C.B., K.B.E., C.M.G., D.S.O., dated 21 December 1945.

For the medals awarded to the recipient’s two sons, see Lots 9 and 969.