Lot Archive


№ 1044


9 December 2010

Hammer Price:

Lange, K., Münzkunst des Mittelalters, Leipzig, 1942, 94pp, 64 plates; Raymond, W. (ed), The Standard Catalogue of United States Coins, 17th edn, New York, 1954, 231pp, illustrations in text; Scheuch, K., Spenden-Medaillen aus porzellan und ton, Ober-Eschbach, 1966, 107pp, illustrations in text; Lopez-Chaves, L., and Yriarte, J., Catalogo General de la Onza…de España y America, 1st edn, Madrid, 1968, 75pp, illustrations in text; Sobin, G., The Silver Crowns of France 1641-1973, Teaneck (USA), 1974, viii + 259pp, illustrations in text; Droulers, F., Les Trésors de Monnaies Royales…découverts en France…depuis le xixe siècle, Monte Carlo, 1980, 260pp, map tipped-in; Holtz, W., Lexikon der Münzabkürzungen, Munich, 1981, 606pp, illustrations in text, dj; Labrot, J., Une Histoire Economique et Populaire du Moyen Age: Les jetons et les méreaux, Paris, 1989, 235pp, illustrations in text; Rylov, I., and Sobolin, V., Russian and Soviet Coins…1700-1993, Moscow, 1994, xx + 298pp, illustrations in text; together with other references (45), by Meier, Divo (several), Herinek, Gadoury, Schulman, Jaeckel, etc [54]. Publishers’ bindings; first with spine taped £60-80

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